Tag Archives: luxury

96 Moorings Road, Marion, MA

Record-Breaking Landmark Sale in Marion Real Estate

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Robert Paul Properties Announces Record-Breaking Sale in Marion, MA

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Robert Paul Properties, a division of Commonwealth Realty Group, LLC, announces the sale of 96 Moorings Road, Marion. This sale marks the top residential sale and highest-priced transaction in Marion history, at $7,500,000.

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Woods Hole at Three Price Points

55 Windhover Way

55 Windhover Way

Tucked away on the southern most tip of Cape Cod is the eclectically beautiful coastal village of Woods Hole. A historic fishing, boating, and scientific community, Woods Hole is bustling with life and excitement, not only in the summer months, but year round as well. Nestled in this small village are three gorgeous properties that offer three very different opportunities at three Continue reading

Beach Front Eye Candy

Private Coastline with a Warm, Sandy Beach

Private Coastline with a Warm, Sandy Beach

With the Blizzard of 2015 quickly approaching, the thought of lying on a warm, sunny beach seems like a far off memory. To help fight the chillĀ (and to remind you why you live in New England in the first place) we put together a slide show of our favorite beach front homes that offer private beaches, deep water docks, and
amazing oceanfront views.

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