What do a private Orleans Island, Julia Roberts’ Hawaiian getaway and a Manhattan townhouse have in common? They were all recently profiled as part of Fox News’ Hot Houses segment. This video previews all three luxurious offerings.
Sipson Island, Orleans
Each week FOXNews.com picks its Top 3 luxury listings from Mansion Global.
This week they show us Julia Roberts’ Hawaiian getaway, a fashionable Manhattan monastery turned into a luxury townhouse and our listing at Sipson Island in Orleans.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZVBvtUGVYo&w=560&h=315]
Sipson Island, a ~25-acre landmark on the eastern coast of Cape Cod, is presented for sale in its entirety for the first time in generations. Located on Pleasant Bay, one of Cape Cod’s most beautiful embayments and an international boating and sport fishing destination, the island includes several year-round, seasonal dwellings and outbuildings.
Read the full article.