Tag Archives: Wellfleet

Rainy Day Activities on Outer Cape, Cape Cod MA

When the Outer Cape’s stunning beaches and outdoor attractions are momentarily dampened by rain, don’t worry—there are plenty of indoor activities to enjoy in the charming towns of Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet, and Eastham. Here are some fantastic options to make the most of a rainy day on the Outer Cape.

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Oyster in hand

3 Best Oysters on Cape Cod

Like fine wine, oysters take on the characteristics of the place they grow and live. And nothing tastes more like the sea, salt, and terroir of Cape Cod than its oysters. Oyster fanatics world wide have been slurping down Cape Cod’s mighty bivalves for generations. After all, the Cape has been producing top notch oysters in its shallow bays and cold ocean waters for centuries. Mention Cape Cod oysters and the first name that will leap to mind is Wellfleet, the area’s number one oyster ambassador – found at restaurants around the globe. But as more and more oyster farmers set up boutique oyster farms on Cape Cod, the Continue reading

230 Main Street Wellfleet Open Floor Plan

Featured Property: 230 Main Street, Wellfleet

A mere two miles wide, with sandy beaches on both Cape Cod Bay and the Atlantic Ocean and clear kettle ponds between, Wellfleet offers up the Cape Cod lifestyle in spades. While it’s clearly known as a beach town, it is also referred to as the ‘Art Gallery Town.’ Befitting that accolade, this Featured Property is actually two properties: an exquisitely renovated residence and an adjoining building that accommodates a fine art gallery. Continue reading

Celebrate Bastille Day from Boston to Cape Cod

The Storming of the Bastille in 1789 was a turning point in the French Revolution and is honored yearly on July 14th as the National Day of France. Celebrate Bastille Day across Massachusetts with French food, music and games. Continue reading