Robert Paul supports Barnstable Land Trust

Robert Paul Properties is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of Barnstable Land Trust’s 17th Annual Gifts from the Sea to benefit Barnstable’s open space.

The Beach Club at Craigville Beach overlooking Nantucket Sound is the beautiful setting for this summer evening event of delicious dining with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, raw bar, buffet dinner by Chef Scott Fuller and desserts while there is an ongoing raffle, silent auction and live auction for fine items reflecting Cape Cod’s sea, land and earth.

barnstable land trust

Barnstable Land Trust is a private, non-profit membership organization dedicated to preserving the open spaces and natural resources of the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts. Barnstable Land Trust holds wildlife habitat, scenic views, wetlands, sensitive watershed parcels, forests and other valuable open space, in its natural state, in perpetuity for the benefit of the community.

Visit for the schedule of Walks & Talks series, where you explore the great outdoors and learn about nature with BLT. Also learn about BLT’s current projects of land preservation which include:
– Saving the Coombs Bogs: 6.55 enchanting acres in Centerville, at the headwaters of Bumps River, and
– Protecting the Herring Run: a critical 1.17-acre parcel at the headwaters of the Marstons Mills River will complete the protection of the fishway that leads to Middle Pond.

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