Explore, learn and visit new places without leaving home

The worldwide Coronavirus pandemic has left buildings closed, many working from home and students on hiatus from school. While the opportunity does present many challenges to working parents and those unable to leave their homes, it also open new doors and opportunities into virtual activities and new technology.

These online resources can help you make the most out of the current situation. This list is by no means meant to be inclusive of all opportunities – but we hope a great starting point to your exploration.

Take a virtual tour!Coronavirus - work from home

Many museums and historical sites are offering free online virtual tours to explore from your living room.

Visit the Animals!

Coronavirus - work from home

Many zoos are offering free access to their live animal webcams.

Listen to a Concert or See a Show!Coronavirus - work from home

  • Berlin Philharmonic: Digital Concert Hall
  • Metropolitan Opera – The Met will stream a title from its Live in HD series each night through the duration of the closure. The performances, originally captured as live broadcasts in movie theatres worldwide, will begin at 7:30 PM from the company’s homepage
  • Many musicians, including Miley Cyrus, John Legend and Keith Urban are offering free concerts via social media. Be sure to check out social media for the latest and find an updated list here.

Venture to a National Park!

Coronavirus - work from home

The website, Totally the Bomb, has listed 33 National Parks you can tour virtually, including the following: