Credit for Life, Wareham

Cape Cod Five hosts "Credit for Life" Program

Cape Cod Five hosts “Credit for Life” Program

On Friday, March 20, a group of students from Wareham High School gathered in their school’s gymnasium and entered “the real world.” Knowing that they will be joining the ranks of adulthood in a few short months, The Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank has created a program for high school seniors to help ease that transition. The workshop brought in experts from various adult topics to work with the students and provide them with a greater knowledge and understanding of each subject.

Robert Paul Gives Back

Paul Grover at Credit for Life Workshop

Paul Grover at Credit for Life Workshop

The students involved in the workshop were given a mock salary that they then had to budget for various expenses including car payments, rent, groceries, and clothing shopping. One of the local experts that volunteered at the event was Robert Paul co-CEO, Paul Grover. Having worked in real estate on the Cape since 1981, Paul was able to provide valuable insight regarding housing options that students have after graduating. Paul explained, “It was an opportunity for me to meet with graduating seniors and talk to them about the responsibility that they have and the choices available to them for their housing needs. Getting started on the right path can make all the difference in terms of leading successful personal and professional lives.”

For four years, The Cape Cod Five has been sponsoring the Credit for Life workshop at high schools in the community and has now reached thousands of students. To learn more about the Credit for Life program, a full article describing the event can be found on the Wareham Village Soup website.